Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Me and Darin have been married for 3 whole years. Our anniversary was November 18 and since Meghan talked so highly of the Armstrong Mansion, we decided to check it out. The room we had was much smaller then there's, however it was small and quiet and just what Darin and I needed to a romantic getaway to enjoy each other's company......and stuff. It was beautiful, the breakfast was to die for, and the whole atmosphere was wonderful. I had alot of fun with my wonderful husband who I love and adore. We have been through alot and he has always been there for me and never given up on me and who I really was. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be where I am right now. I love you Darin for loving me the way I have never been loved before and showing me there is life out there, you just have to reach out and grab it. Thank you for my amazing, wonderful, adorable daughter Starlett, and for our active lil boy on the way, Rocky. You are my soul mate, my one true love, and I will never be able to live a day with out you. Happy Anniversay babe. I love you.

Our Room
This is us rocking the comfortable robes they had for us.
This is the foyer where you can sit by a fire, or get on the internet or just chill.
Here is the dining are where they serve the most wonderful breakfast. My favorite food was the keash (?) and the peach cobbler.
These are the infamous boots that were on our wall.
Me just relaxing on the comfortable bed.
Our romantic dinner, take out Wendy's. Darin was so bored, he was either on the internet or sleeping, he didn't know what to do with his time.


The Not-a-hoes said...

dont you just love how you can lounge around anywhere you want to?? they had a tree up in the living room area...not fair! you guys got wendys and we got mcdonalds lol.
i was on the internet a little bit too when we stayed there, i still had some random morning sickness when we stayed so i slept a lot too haha.
my favorite thing tho was sitting in the tub with the jets on while watching a movie. we dont have a tub at home so i got as much use out of that sucker as i could!

Tiana Johnson said...

Sounds nice, but I liked how in Anniversary Inn you never had to leave your room. All meals were brought sneakily to your door and you could call for movies and they'd drop them off all sneaky-like too. Sounds like it's worth trying though.

Uh, Darin, how in the world do you get bored when you have all the time in the world with Teresa and no kids to "interupt" you???!!! Sheesh! Do I need to send Hyrum over to give you a few ideas? JK :)

I think you seriously ought to consider changing Rocky's name to Michael, in honor of the Michael Jackson pose that Darin is doing in his robe. Hilarious!

If you just say the baby's first and last name together (which is how it will always be said...the middle name is rarely used, except with Kiersa), does it seem like a lot of "y's" to you? Rocky Jolley. Rocky Jolley. Rocky Jolley. Not that I'm trying to change your name choice, but I always like to consider every angle of a name before the baby is born, just in case. With Kiersa, since her sex was a surprise, we thought about Brigham (with Brig for short), until my sister said "Say Brig Johnson out loud. What does it sound like to you?" Big Johnson, of course. There went that name. Max also has the potential of Maxi-pad as a nickname. Have you seen Get Smart yet? Just throwing things out. Do the same for me!! I need all the help I can get. My names are never really set in stone until the last few weeks.