Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Early Halloween at the Rec Center

On Oct. 25 we went to A Spooktacular at our local Rec Center that we love so much. They had soooo many things to do and of course they all took tickets so my kids each got 7.00 to spend and that was enough to do about 7 things. They had a bat cave, fishing in the pool, canoe rides in the deep end pool, many different booths in the basketball gym and a whole bunch of more stuff upstairs that we didn't even get to because we ran out of time and money. Oh well, it was fun anyway. Me and the kids. Rain was a gothic witch(she looks possessed in every picture I took of her, Daylon was some zombie looking thing, but the mask scared Star to death so he didn't wear it very much, and Star was my little Mooo Cow.This is the kids with our friend Estefania.
Do Cow's Drink Milk?? This one does.
Where's Mooo Cow?
There she is.
Her big belly and fat butt were my favorite parts. She looked so cute when she'd walk. Here she was dancing to the music. That was adorable too.
Daylon the zombie with his mask on.
Daylon is awesome at basketball and if you get two shots you get a pez dispenser, after his 2nd one they told him no more.
I know, I look like a hooker, I was trying to be a punk rocker, but I forgot my guitar hero guitar in the car so instead this is what I look like, I was getting some pretty weird looks.
And next we're on to the church for a Chili Cook Off/ Halloween Party. Tune in.....


Cindi said...

Looks like fun! I especially love your little cow. She's so cute! :D btw, It's about time you're posting again! You get me hooked on blogging and then you disappeared!! Welcome back. ;)

Tiana Johnson said...

You know what's funny about the backwards peace sign Daylon's making? It the F-U sign in England. I wrote a post that talked about it while we were in England.

John-Maren Goodman said...

Now I'm super disapointed that we decided not to come! We missed out big time! Just to be able to see you all in your costumes would have been so fun!~

The Not-a-hoes said...

if the baby calf wont feed off the momma then the farmers take the calfs and bottle feed them formula stuff, so its kinda like milk! that was my job and my favorite part of growing up on a farm! i birthed a calf when i was prob 6 that i got to bottle feed and i named her and everything!
i dont even have a costume this year, pretty boring!
im not big enough to be juno like i planned and david is working anyway