Wednesday, October 29, 2008

After the Rec Center, we had to rush to pick up Darin from work (because we're down to one car cuz our lovely piece of crap van is broken down) and then rush over to the church for our Chili cook off/Halloween Party for our ward. The kids weren't too fond of the Chili but there was about 15 different kinds to choose from and they were really good. Then they had some games for the kids to play.
Me and my good friend from the ward, Tiffany. She is so adorable. And if you look closely, you can see a little pregnancy bump. It just barely popped out a couple days ago.
Rain seriously looks possessed in all the pictures I took of her this day. I guess that she thought that because she was a witch, she had to act like one all day long.
This is what Darin calls "Ground Beef". Haha get it? She's a cow and she's on the ground. I thought that was a good one. Isn't she just the cutest cow you've ever seen. It's not obvious that I adore my kids is it???


John-Maren Goodman said...

:) OH my gosh she is the cutest cow ever! OR calf I should say! She put and instant smile on my face!

The Not-a-hoes said...

aw she is a cute chubby cow! she looks a lot fatter in the cow suit than in person! your little bump is so freakin cute!! the first time i met you i think you were about 6 or 7 months prego so im just used to you having a belly :)