Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Boy's Scout Day Camp - Day 2

And here is day 2. The theme for Day 2 was Super Hero Camp. Here are some of our Super Hero Staff doing a skit about selling sticks. It was quite funny, but it was definatly one of those things where you just had to be there to capture the humor. Awwww trains, for those of you who don't know about trains, my dad passed away a little over a year ago, and he was an engineer on Union Pacific so needless to say, everytime I see a train I think of him. They had one of there sections on a train so I had to take pictures of the train.On my Day 1 post, I made a comment about fat ol me, well someone protested saying she was the president and she kicked me out of the club, however after seeing this picture, I believe she'll make me vice president. We had batmobile races and I made my scouts push me. Bad idea, after half a lap they were out of breath and couldn't hardly push me the last half. Ya, I felt pretty stupid. Our Superhero masks. Daylon what mask is that? Oh I see, a....golddigger mask??? Um, ok. Adam with his mask The funnest section was the BB guns. Do they really trust 8 year olds with BB guns? Apperantly so. This is Benton. Adam getting ready to aim, shoot and fire.
Isn't he such a good looking boy? Sorry, I have to brag a little bit. Nice guns Daylon. Our Super Hero Scouts - Super Daylon Bat Benton Super Adam

And that concludes our 2nd and final day at Boy Scout Day Camp. All in all it was alot of fun. Ecspecially for the boys. I'm looking foward to next year. Thanks for a fun time scouts!!!


Tiana Johnson said...

Not even close yet!!! For one, you're sitting, which always makes people look bigger. When you're standing and have dunlap or muffin top, I might consider making you and honorary member, but until then, you have to slink your way back to the skinny folk and work on packing on the pounds before you request membership again, let alone vice presidency! Love you! You're so fun!