So we finally got Starlett to a new doctor and went in for her 12 month check up ( I know, she's 18 months) better late then never. They were very busy that day so this is what we did to occupy our time.
At First, we started off on the table, but that didn't last long
So next thing Iknow, she's digging through my purse to see if there is anything that is entertaining. Of course, there isn't, except my camera which I was holding.....
Next she decides she wants to be back on the table and she is bound and determined to find a way up there.... well she was for a minute.
Then she decided it'd be funner to just take all the paper off the table and start ripping it.
At least she was smart enough to put it in the garbage....and then play in the garbage.
Then she screamed mum mum, until I put her on the doctor chair that goes in circles, see her reaching for the computer? She is deadly to computers. She popped out 6 keys off our laptop in a matter of seconds. I still can't get 2 back in the right place.
aw poor star! is her rash gone yet?? it looks pretty nasty! i cant wait to play with her for 2 whole days!!
Suckers will do it ever time!~~~ Literally!! lol my poor baby Star! I bet she was a trooper though!
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