Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mommy & Star Time

Well since it is Summer time and school is out, Daylon and Rain have been spending alot of time at there dad's house. After one or two days I always start missing them really bad, but I do enjoy the one on one time that I get with Starlett. With only one kid in the house, I have more time on my hands so I'm able to play with Starlett without 2 other kids wanting to steal the attention away. Not to mention, Star is into EVERYTHING now a days. So if I can keep her mind off of trouble then maybe she'll stay out of it. Here are some fun pictures of us playing and yes, some of her getting into things. Mind you, this is all in a matter of 10 minutes, that's how busy this kid is. Her attention span is about 30 seconds for each thing we do....except get into trouble. The reason why I got the camera out to begin with was because she was eating chocolate graham crackers and when I was tickling her and she would smile, she looked like a white trash redneck that was missing her front tooth because it was covered in chocolate. By the time I got there with the camera, this is all that was left, but she's still cute so I had to put it up anyway.

We were having tickle time, I got her laughing so hard. Unfortunatly, me and Darin both do weird things with our mouth when were playing, and it looks like we passed it on to her. Poor kid.

She is trying her best to get away from me so I can't tickle her anymore. You know when your being tickled and your so mad but you can't stop laughing to scream. I think that was the point that I got Star too.
She has gotten really good at pointing in the direction of something and saying "Uh, Mum" when she wants something, and she saw the bubbles, so I put the stick in front of the fan so I didn't use up all the hot air out of my head. This is her in front of the fan.

It's a race to see who can pop the bubbles first, Starlett or our cat Gato. Usually she would win cuz she would stop Gato by yanking on his tail. That poor cat puts up with alot of abuse from that girl.

One of the toys that we always had as a kid was a corn popper, I knew that they were around still, but I hadn't seen one in a store for a long time. I let Starlett play with it to keep her entertained and she wouldn't let me put it down. I figured it was probably only about 5.00 bucks so we got it for her. Ended up being 10.97, what a rip off. I could have found one at DI for 50 cents.

Pushing chairs over because it wasn't close enough to climb up on it and pound the heck out of the computer, so she started throwing a fit and ended up tipping it over.

I don't remember who used to do this with us kids when we were young, but I've passed it on to my kids and my older one's (Daylon who is almost as tall as me, and Rain who can still do it) think that I can still hold them up.


Pony Girl, Pony Girl, won't you be my Pony Girl. Giddy up Giddy up Giddy up Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,
Be my Pony Girl ( FLIP )
Peek A Boo, Where's Starlett? There she is!! And here are a few of her being a trouble maker. She loves to take the plastic bag out of the garbage, and push the garbage around like it's a car or something. And last but not least, this is the one she KNOWS that she is not supposed to do, but EVERTIME we turn around, she is up on the chair pounding on the computer and throwing the mouse around. But what can we say, she wouldn't be Starlett if she didn't keep us on our toes.


Tiana Johnson said...

She's so big and cute now!

John-Maren Goodman said...
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