Monday, June 30, 2008
Tag From Tiana (Thanks Alot) :)
How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. JOYS (aside from the top 2 family & faith) 1. Watching my baby girl do new things every day. 2. Knowing that I have a great husband who has helped me accomplish so many things in my life. 3. Having lot's of kids around me all the time. I just love kids and the innocence they have at there young ages. FEARS 1. Failing 2. Not being a good parent 3. Not being liked by everyone GOALS 1. Our # 1 goal between me and Darin is to get to the temple so that we can be together forever and ever. 2. To repair all our finances so that we can be into a house within a year. 3. To give my kids all the love and attention they deserve to make them great people when they are grown. CURRENT OBSESSIONS/COLLECTIONS 1. Blogging is my current obsession but with 6 kids in my house, it's nearly impossible. 2. Trying to remain calm this summer while everyone is here. 3. Searching for meals that are big enough for 8 people. RANDOM/SURPRISING FACTS ABOUT ME 1. I got bit by a rattlesnake when I was 10 years old and ended up staying overnight in the mountains because we didn't know what it was and nearly died. 2. When I was 9 I almost drowned, playing in a canal with friends. I got my foot stuck between 2 boards and was under water for about 3 minutes before anyone noticed. When they pulled me out I was blue as a smurf and they had to do mouth to mouth on me to get me to start breathing and throw up all the water. Nearly died that time too. 3. That I had a child at 16 years old and I gave him up for adoption. I get to see him and he is in a wonderful family with a wonderful life. I love you Dakota. I TAG THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE 1. Sierra 2. Rachel 3. Katie 4. Crystal 5. Meghan
Posted by Teresa Jolley at 1:05 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Finally, I get to go Camping
Well most of you that will read this, also read Maren's blog so she has already explained the HORRIBLE, but somewhat fun Camping Trip. Just to add to Maren's story, I did have fun and I am glad I went. However, it's one of those trips you get home from and think "Things would have been better if I DIDN'T go". But what can you do. The food was good and I finally got smores for the first time in ages.... and Dustin had fun catching any kind of animal he could find.
Posted by Teresa Jolley at 7:08 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!!!!
Posted by Teresa Jolley at 2:38 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dustin has finally arrived!!!
Finally after much anticipation, Dustin has arrived home. We haven't seen him since Christmas so it's been over 6 months. Usually he comes in April during his Spring Break but this year he passed on that opportunity so we told him he has to stay the whole summer, if he wanted too. So here we are at the airport, trying very hard to stay patient and trying very hard to entertain Starlett in the stroller and out.
Posted by Teresa Jolley at 4:55 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Mommy & Star Time
We were having tickle time, I got her laughing so hard. Unfortunatly, me and Darin both do weird things with our mouth when were playing, and it looks like we passed it on to her. Poor kid.
It's a race to see who can pop the bubbles first, Starlett or our cat Gato. Usually she would win cuz she would stop Gato by yanking on his tail. That poor cat puts up with alot of abuse from that girl.
Pushing chairs over because it wasn't close enough to climb up on it and pound the heck out of the computer, so she started throwing a fit and ended up tipping it over.
I don't remember who used to do this with us kids when we were young, but I've passed it on to my kids and my older one's (Daylon who is almost as tall as me, and Rain who can still do it) think that I can still hold them up.
Posted by Teresa Jolley at 1:16 PM 2 comments