I know, I know, I am horrible at blogging and I kind of left you all hanging by doing part one of Elisabeth's Birthday and then never finishing it so finally here it is.
So the day after her birthday, we bribed Whitnee and Anna to stay with all the kids so the adults could take Elisabeth out to Olive Garden for dinner. Me and David brought the newborns but Daylon, Rain, Starlett, Braxton, and Alexandra got to stay with Whitnee and Anna at Maren's house. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELISABETH ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!
I was in one of my weird moods that night and I decided I wanted to take my breadsticks home but I wanted them to be safe from any harm so I put them in Rocky's car seat, but unfortunatly I had to put Rocky somewhere so the breadsticks had to settle for a to go box. I love those breadsticks, they were so special to me..... I know, I'm not all there in my head, you don't have to tell me.
So anyway, we had a great time celebrating Elisabeth's birthday, I just hope she enjoyed it as much as we did. Elisabeth, we really love you and I really think your a wonderful sister. Thank you so much for always being there for us whenever we've needed you and for always looking out for us like our mother hen. You truly are special to me and I look up to you and admire so many good qualities that you have. I love you and am very happy we got to celebrate your birthday with you twice. Love you lots lots lots lots lots!!!!
you really are a tard, but a tard that's not alone, and loved beyond measure. We're all tards, and then some!! LOVE YOU
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