Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby Scare

Two weeks ago I went in for my doctor appointment and the doctor was worried because I was losing weight at a time when I should have been gaining at least a pound a week, so he sent me over to LDS Hospital to do a stress test, and another ultrasound. Luckily everything showed to be just fine except the fact that I started having contractrions the night before and the day of my tests so they told me to stay down for a couple days til my contractions stop because I still had 7 weeks left in my pregnancy. So thanks to my momma, she came and helped me with Starlett for a couple days so I could rest and catch up on how much I was supposed to be eating and drinking and within a few days I felt back to normal. I did miss out on my trip to Oregon unfortunatly cuz I didn't want to go into Labor in Oregon. So here we are now two weeks later and I just got done with my dr's appt. He was very proud of me cuz I gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks. So my next appt is in another two weeks and then he'll do the strep b test, check me, and it'll soon after that when Rocky makes his presence into this world and we can't wait. But thank goodness he's waiting so he can come out a healthy "little" boy. They did say that he was measuring a week behind so he will most likely be a small baby.

This was my favorite ultrasound picture I've ever had. He looks so precious in this picture.


Cindi said...

I'm glad everything is ok. Rocky will be here before you know it! Exciting! :D

The Not-a-hoes said...

not fair i want ultrasound pictures of her now!! well no, i just want her out!!
i had to do my stupid strep test twice! the nurse forgot to take the giant q tips over to the lab and they closed before she could, and since my appointments are on fridays it sat over the weekend and they couldnt use that one.
rocky is going to get picked on between star and marlee, 2 big babies!

DeeDee {the great} said...
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DeeDee {the great} said...

Teresa! I love your blog...and I love those ultrasound pictures! He looks like a handsome boy! I am glad everything is ok now! I must say, though...from your post below that you don't look 7 weeks away from delivery, you are very little! Lucky girl!

Tawni Williams said...

Yea! I'm so glad that all is going well! Way to gain some weight you tiny thing!! Can't wait to meet the little guy!

Noma said...

My Sweet, Gorgeous Niece, Teresa!! You and your wonderful, sweet family are in our Prayers everyday and I am sure that little Rocky is going to be an Adorable Little Guy, from the Ultra Sound pictures he is going to be a HANDSOME little guy like his Daddy!! I am so proud of you and love you so much!! Wish we lived closer to you and your sweet family...and your Wonderful Siblings!! I really miss you and wish we could get together more than we do!! Always remember that my LOVE and PRAYERS are with you always and I keep your names on the prayer roll at the Temple!! You mean so much to Uncle Dennis and I...we want to keep in touch with you all and be part of your lives!!! Let us know when you have little Rocky!! Love you, Aunt Noma

Noma said...
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