Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Great Life Part 1

I know most of you are wondering what happened to Teresa, did she drop off the planet, has she become a recluse, or do I even have a computer anymore..... Well the answer is, I have been attending a program called "The Great Life Foundation" to help better myself and learn to love myself again. I know some of you may be skeptical, but until you are able to experience this for yourself, you will never understand the joy and peace that I know feel because of the experiences I went through. There isn't enough words to describe to you how I now feel and how excited I am to wake up every morning because I know that I am so excited to live life to the fullest and to create many happy memories for me, my husband, and my children. I AM living the great life!! Here are some pictures from Part one.

My Buddies!!!!!!!
My Awesome Angels!!! Luv you guys! Thank you for seeing in me, what I didn't see in myself!!My Part 1 Graduation
Ya, we got a little crazy and did the "Macarena"
There was no way David was sitting this one out.
My HOT husband, and behind him is Ryan, David's friend, who is another one of my Angels.


Tiana Johnson said...

You are seriously skinny! Are you sure you're pregnant? I'm jealous. I wish I had started out small so I didn't have so much weight to loose at the end.

The Not-a-hoes said...

oh man these HAVE to be steve pics they are all candid and horrible lol. im so proud of you for going thru!! what are your plans for part 3? its not as strenuous on your body as the first 2 are...its calmer and no more hard parts haha