Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dr.'s Appointment

So I had my OB check up today, didn't go very well because I got in trouble by him. First off, I lost another 5 lbs. which would be great in any other situation, but since I lost 10 lbs from when I found out I was pregnant to my 8 week check up, another 5 wasn't so good. He told me that I HAVE to start taking in 2400 calories a day to give my baby what it needs. It's so hard for me to eat, as all you pregnant women know about your first trimester. Also, my thyroid has been overactive, which could be a big part of losing weight, and I haven't been consistant with my Synthroid and prenatals because my life has been comsumed with Great Life lately. I know, bad excuse, I should be doing my best to take care of my baby. So I am now because I want to have a good healthy baby and I don't want to be lectured from my doctor again. He had me do blood work again to see where my thyroid level is at, because having thyroid problems can cause many things to be wrong with the baby including mental retardation. So my main focus now is to put my baby and his needs first. The doctor said that I only have 6 more weeks before I get my ultrasound, then we can make sure that everything is attached properly, as per my surgery I had in December, it can cause something to not attach to something else. Sorry, I don't know all the technical terms. That is how I understand things. Anyway, So next appt will be nothing but good news. Love you all.


Tiana Johnson said...

Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about. I've NEVER had a hard time eating. My problem is trying not to gain 20 pounds in my first trimester. I have a ravenous appetite the moment I get pregnant. This is the first time I've lost weight at a first trimester appointment, and I only lost 2 pounds, and it was because I was making a conscience effort to eat healthy. Since I was so overweight to begin with, eating healthy foods made me loose a couple of fat pounds, but I gained them back quickly. I still had gained 5 pounds from the time I found out I was preg to my first appointment. I lost at my second, gained at my third, and my England trip helped me gain a bunch more for my next appointment. I thought you looked really skinny in your GL pictures! No wonder, losing 15 pounds! So, I saw while we were gone that you were trying to quit smoking again (we didn't realize you'd started since you quit while on those pills after your surgery), so I was wondering how that was going. Did you stick to your Sep 10 quit date? Just curious. Oh, and we're back, I just haven't posted the rest of our vacation because I don't have all my pictures. We saved them on a disk, but we got home and it was blank, so my sister has to copy a disk and mail it to me. It might be a while.
Also, when your thyroid trouble start? Have you always had it?

John-Maren Goodman said...

You had better get your butt healthy!!! That's my Neice or Nephew your carrying!!!! Just think EAT MORE FOOD! When ever in you life has it been a good thing to do that so take advantage and EAT MORE FOOD!!!! Love you!