Monday, October 13, 2008

Trip Down Memory Lane.....

So last week I had to take a trip to Manti, um, for some business and it ended up being quite a fun trip down memory lane for me. For those of you who remember, I used to live in Mayfield which is about 10 minutes from Manti. So we did our business in Manti and then took a joy ride around Mayfield. I mainly took the pictures for Daylon because he remembers Mayfield alot, but then I actually had alot of fun so I decided to post them on my blog.
Here is the Manti Temple of course.
Here is where I conucted my business (custody crap)
Across from the Court House there was this really cool Park, half of the things the kids couldn't play on because they couldn't figure it out. So Maren and I did all the playing. Seriously, we had alot more fun then the kids did.
It took Maren a few mintues to figure out how this worked but once she started going in circles, it was impossible to stop. Weeeeee Maren.
Then there is me getting my groove on on the Teter Totter. It was quite fun actually. The kids thought I was nuts but don't they always?? YES.
Star only cared about listening to music on my phone. No toys for her. Then came our trip through Mayfield This wasn't there when I lived there, the One and Only thing that had changed in that town. Doesn't look like there having much sucess selling the land to build either.
The old house I use to live in...Have to say I don't miss it much.
This one is really for daylon, he couldn't remember what the park looked like.
My old place of employement, Mayfield Merc. The only store or anything in Mayfield.
Then on our way home we HAD TO stop at one of my favorite places to eat, The Malt Shop in Ephraim, to get a chicken BLT. Mmmmm, so good. When we pulled foward this cute down syndrome boy was at the window and wouldn't move so I took his picture and at first he was smiling and right as I took it, he gave us a nasty look. :) Finally on the way home, the kids decided to cut us a break and take a whole 15 minute nap. Not fun to have 3 small kids in the car, at least it wasn't all day.


Cindi said...

Yeah! More life... and it looks like you were having a lot of fun. Way to go Maren on that swing-thing. lol.

The Not-a-hoes said...

oh man what forced you to live in mayfield?? thats the real hicks in the sticks! there arnt even sticks there!! lol

John-Maren Goodman said...

I had so much fun with you sister!! No matter how crapy I felt! hope we didn't get you guys sick!

Tiana Johnson said...

You're alive!!! And way too skinny to be only a month behind me. I'm jealous! Glad you had a good time and hope business worked out.

Katie said...

That playground is awesome! I want a playground like that......

Did someone just imply that you are pregnant? Are you?

Stay warm!